Monday’s the big day. Well, Monday’s the first big day. I hope to close on the sale of Festina Lente on Monday, but a lot can happen between now and then.
The logistics of preparing for the purchase, figuring out temporary mooring solutions while she’s still in San Diego, making sure there’s a slip for her in Martinez, obtaining insurance, coming up with a delivery plan, making sure I have spare parts and safety equipment for her passage north… it’s all been quite the experience. It’s exciting, but overwhelming.
Provided all goes to plan, I will drive a rental car loaded up with parts and supplies down to SD on Wednesday. I’ll work my day job on Thursday and Friday, taking advantage of the evenings to acclimate to the boat and address a few maintenance items. Saturday will be spent getting ready for the passage and meeting up with the delivery captain and mate I’ve hired, and then on Sunday we will set sail for Martinez.
The captain has an optimistic estimate for how long the passage will take. I’m leaning more pessimistic and hope to be wrong! Either way, Festina Lente should be coming in to her new home port of Martinez very soon.